Monday, May 9, 2011

9.2 Questions

1. The development of the railway system in Sydney and and also the building of the Sydney harbour bridge enabled the city to expand to centres into the west like Liverpool and Parramatta

2. Many of the manufacturing and industrial activities are being replaced by new technology and information-based industries. This is affecting the employment structure of Sydney

3. A world city is a city that has been deemed to be an important node (or swelling) point in the global economic system. This is being proved by Sydney quickly becoming invaded by new technology and information-based industries

4. New land releases in the north-west and south-west are required. These are called Greenfield locations. These sites will accommodate 30% of future growth. Many sites inside the city have also been targeted for urban renewal and urban redevelopment through urban consolidation.

5. A Metropolitan Strategy names "City of Cities. A Plan for Sydney's Future"

6. The state government of NSW was responsible for this plan

-ensuring economic, social and environmental sustainability
-manage issues surrounding urban growth
- manage issues concerning decline

8. A Greenfield site is a term used to describe undeveloped land in a city or rural area either used for agriculture, landscape design, or left to naturally evolve. This is different because completely new infrastructure must be built, whereas urban consolidation is using existing infrastructure.

9. 70% of the future population growth in Sydney will be absorbed into the existing developed areas of Sydney, whereas 30% will be moved into the Greenfield sites

10. Many council and community groups were consulted in the development in this strategy. This was important as it was necessary to know what the views of the general population were.

Refer to 9.8:
a.       1994-1995

b.      1989-1990

c.       Urban growth started to declined slowly

d.      The trend for urban development is expected to reverse, and start to rise.

Refer to 9.10:
a.       The population density of North Sydney and Sydney is a lot higher than that of Liverpool and Penrith. This would be because Liverpool and Penrith are further away from the city and the coast line.
b.      The Ocean
c.       Urban housing would heighten the population density while residential housing would lessen the population density

Greenfield site:
Location: North-West growth centre
Main aspects : happening in the local government areas of Baulkham hills, Blacktown, The Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Penrith, 60 000 new homes will be developed. Strong community focus planned for this area.

Sydney Site:
Location: East Darling Harbour
Main aspects: it is the last remaining port at Darling Harbour is to be developed following a government decision to move the shipping to other port areas. The renewal of the site will feature an 11-hectare waterfront park.

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