Wednesday, July 27, 2011


1. An asylum seeker is a person who has fled their own country and applies to the government of another country for protection as a refugee.

2. Asylum seekers leave their county to come to Australia too seek a  better life, as in their country there is most likely a war, famine, disease, or lack of food.

3. Asylum seekers are given asylum if they can prove or have been proven 'safe' citizens not having any criminal records in their previous country and if they are going to be sent home to face death, then they are more likely to be given asylum. 

4. Most asylum seekers come from countries that are in a war or unstable country, mainly from middle east, and Indonesia. 

1. Australia have agree to send 800 asylum seekers to Indonesia in exchange for 4000 genuine refugees from Malaysia. 

2. They are given a UN card which allows them to work and not be detained from the Malaysia  government and put into a detention centre. 

3. Malaysia normally detain and cane illegal refugees. 

4. Yes, children are being sent as part of the 400 asylum seekers from Australia. 

5. the 500+ asylum seekers that have arrived in Australia since the 7th of may will have to be processed through the Australia government as this wasn't part of the deal with the Malaysia. 

6. Refugee advocates are worried that their safe cards will not hold through in Malaysia and that they don't believe that they will be safe there. 

7. The goal of this swap program is to slow down asylum seekers coming to Australia. 

8. No I don't believe that this will work as Malaysian's are unlikely to follow through with this deal and the asylum seekers will end up being treated like other illegal immigrants in Malaysia.    

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