Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Year 10: 7.1 Geographical Issues in the Coastal Environment

Will Hennessy

1. People are moving away from the cities and into the coastal area.

2. So the coast line doesnt move up into the developped areas.

3. sea change was the trend of people moving from the city to small coastal towns.

4. government responce to sea change was to put a cap on the amount of people able to move to the coast.

Population growth - people moving from cites to the small coastal change

Pollution - the human actions that cause this issue are that people are not carefully disposing items and that poeple need to take more care prtecting our oceans from pollutions.

Tourism and recreational pressures - the coast is a high tourist attraction and during peak season these populated beaches can double in population and due to this the beaches can be distoyed. e.g a beach that has four wheel driving on the dunes as an attration can be highly susceptible to erosion if not looked after.

Coastal rivers and lagooons - these places need to be constantly cleaned and looked after as the boats pollution can be harm full and the silt that can be flushed through then can block up the entrance so if not mangage correcttly looked after.

6. the role geographers play in developing is that they can find problems and then find a solutions to this problem.

7. Inappropiate development
dear editor,
i'm finally please with the governments efforts to make our coastline sustainable for a better coastal future, they have finaly started making changes and restirctions on the develpoment aloung the coastline and introducing managment stategies increases the jobs in the smaller towns.

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