Monday, March 7, 2011

Summarising the TRESB Project

The problem which lead to the TRESB Project.
The problem that lead to the TRESB project is that the shipping path in which the boats would go in and out of, was continually filling up with sand a other stuff that was moving northwards from the beaches. 

The solution to the problem.
In solution to this problem, barriers were put into place to allow the sand to build up near the enterance. This sand is then moved up the coast where it will no longer be affecting the river.
The result of the project. What areas were effected and how? Do you think that it was a success?
As a result of the project, beaches on the gold coast were affected because of the sand was being caught up in the rivers and the sand from the beaches was slowly going away.
However this project was a success because of the way that it solved the problem of the blockage of the Tweed River. 

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